My 2021 goal is to become a recognized IFFB Pro (International Federation Of Body Building Professionals). I’m 31 years old and I have been in the fitness industry for 13 years. You learn a lot about your character during this process, what you thought your limits were verse what they truly are. The knowledge you obtain from living a healthy active lifestyle is never ending. You are constantly finding out what works best for you on top of new scientific discoveries being made all the time. Becoming fit isn’t a destination it’s a life style choice. From playing sports as a child into my adult life then transitioning into working out at the gym has reinforced why team work is so important. They push you, keep you accountable, and make you believe you can give more. Reaching your goals will not only test you mentally but physically. I’ve always lead by example “practice what you preach”. For this year 2020 I am about to endeavor on my 13th Bulk and 13th Cut of my body building career. I teach from experience when it comes to helping you reach your goals. I have had the pleasure of not only helping but getting to know all my clients on a personal level and help them stay true towards there goals. I will be providing you with all the tools you need to achieve your dream physique.